Biomolecules and Nanostructures - Bedlewo 3

4-8 September 2011, Będlewo near Poznań, Poland

Abstract Submission

The deadline for submission of the abstracts is closed.

Please provide an abstract of your contribution of not more than one page length (up to 3000 characters including spaces). The abstract should include the following information: a title (all caps), author names and affiliations, and an e-mail address of the corresponding author. The workshop's program will contain one abstract per page. Please prepare your abstract in one of the commonly used formats, like MS Word or LaTeX 2e according to the instructions given below and send it by email to: with "Abstract submission" in the field.

Please, attach separate files with graphics (preferred format: .eps), if any figures occur in the abstract.

The participants will be selected by the scientific organisers during the abstract review. The acceptance notice will be sent by May 31, 2011. A limited number of contributed talks (ca. 15 min) can be proposed to selected participants on the basis of the scientific strength of submitted abstracts.

The abstracts will be published in Europhysics Conference Abstracts published by: European Physical Society.

Abstract submission templates:

POSTER: Please prepare your POSTER in dimensions: A0 - vertical.